80 Happy Days

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

I am on MC today :( Am having a sore throat, earache,  flu (nose macam tap), diarrhoea and now I feel like throwing up. Dugaan kerje and nak kahwin ah ni?


I'd like to update on our gift trays or known to a few of you as dulang hantaran. I am very proud of it. Not because I think I've done it better than the vendors I know where I stand lah kan. Takkan lah cantik sangat. So I'll show you the progress of our dulangs I did a few days back. Maklumlah, modules smue dah habis. Hehehe. 
After ironing the cloth, I displayed it this way to see how much cloth I need each.

I had to pin the back to secure the cloth.
I made these myself!

The best part? His mum loves it! So did Abang handsome :) Alhamdulillah. Amin.

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