Now I know...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Now I know,
My parents were right about enjoying single hood.
That I wouldn't have to worry about extra emotional baggage that may surface.

Now I know,
That it is okay to enjoy being single,
But at the same time have plans with thy partner to have a future together.

Now I know,
That relationships aren't always about the two of us.
There's more to just us being in love.

Now I know,
Siblings, extended families and friends,
Can be your closest people
Can be the ones who
Will eventually pull you down.

Now I know,
That we're stronger than what
Some may have perceived,
That we're stronger than what
Some may have done to us.
That we're here cause we are still bracing through the storms together.

Now I also do know,
That it was worth keeping our drama to ourselves,
That it was worth understanding what our own struggles were,
That it was worth the wait in getting our parents approval,
That it was worth every tear shed in standing for what's right.


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