Thoughts about those who does not have a life, and are ruining other peoples' lives
Thursday, March 12, 2015First off, there will ALWAYS be people who hates us. How do we know that they do? The vibes people. One time they're being the best of friends with you-and the other, they're just back biting. For instance, they will be telling you sad stories about the horrible things people do to them TO YOU. And soon after you've been so nice to them, they'll either start bitching with you about others OR they'll get the rest to talk about you. So end of the day, no matter how nice we choose to be with people, we may never get the same treatment we gave. Sad but true.
Ruining other peoples' lives. I mean please, everyone will talk about everyone. It is either what they say are facts or its just a grandmother story they made up or added just to make it sound like its some fantastic Literature essay. What's with telling other people not to talk to nice people because of some lies that was made up? Its just, kental giler babz. And the thing I learnt about this, is to let whatever happens, happen. Ultimately, people will eventually know. Like how we know that these people are actually bad. Definitely it took us some time, but the rest will know. I assure you it will, if not now- Hereafter.
Jealous and sad people, will stay that way if they don't get help. Honestly, no one wants to be spit, hated, trampled on. But if you get the que that hell loads of people are leaving you, its a pretty good sign. Why good? Cause it allows you to know and improve. Not to go about doing the same thing OVER and OVER again.
On the whole, no one is perfect. Everytime you think someone else is better or doing better- look at yourself and find out something good about you. Tak termasok orang shiok sendiri. And no, I do not mean you start boasting and all -_-. Just play it cool.
To those who are in my position in having such thoughts, letting go will take time. But let's not let anger consume us. Let's just enjoy what we have and love those who loves us. Including HIM. XOXO
Okay, i cried reading this. Can totally relate to this. Totally. :'( in shaa Allah, I need more time to learn to let go.