10 days after

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Here I am, typing this while I'm laying on the floor with my school books all over the place. And to the Black BMW (i think), DAMN YOU FOR HORNING JUST CAUSE I WANTED TO LANE CHANGE. FOR GOODNESS SAKE YOU WERE BEHIND MY CAR. Impatient drivers like him just had to speed up and cause such misery.

Thank you Love for cursing him for me. hahahaha. 

It's exhausting thinking about work and school at the same time. Sometimes I feel like giving up. While other times I feel like I can't wait to get all of this done and over with. 

Bike Traffic Police Test will be on the 17th October next Thursday.

I guess life couldn't get any better. 

“Things get bad for all of us, almost continually, and what we do under the constant stress reveals who/what we are.” 

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